
Leah Durant | Vaccine Attorney - Vaccine Blog

Monday, June 1, 2015

IOM Confirms Flu Vaccine is Related to GBS Increase 27 years Later

What is Guillain-Barre Syndrome?

Guillain-Barre Syndrome, or GBS, is a rare disorder in which a person’s immune system damages his or her nervous system, causing muscle weakness and, sometimes, paralysis.  It can lead to long-term nerve damage and, in very rare instances, death, usually due to difficulty breathing.  An estimated 3,000-6,000 people contract GBS in the United States each year. 

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Family Receives Compensation For Vaccine Related Injury

How can my child recover damages for adverse effects caused by a vaccination?

Like many parents, Theresa and Lucas Black of Mooresville, North Carolina trusted that vaccinating their child would be safe. Days after her vaccinations, however, their three-month-old daughter suffered seizures that threatened her life. A Charlotte neurologist determined that the vaccine had caused encephalopathy. Years later, her brain injury left her profoundly disabled, unable to speak, and on a feeding tube.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Recent Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Awards

Are there health risks associated with vaccines?

Recently, a study was released showing no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. While there was no correlation found in this study, many safety advocates warn that these results do not tell the whole story. Administration of vaccines are not nearly as safe as most are led to believe, and doctors often fail to warn parents about the dangers.  Like any other medication, there exists the potential for side effects or allergic reactions.  In many instances, these are incredibly dangerous, or even deadly. 

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Truth About How Often Vaccine Related Issues Arise

How many vaccinations result in serious health problems?

The debate about the benefits of vaccinations weighed against the potential dangers has been discussed extensively, especially in the wake of the recent measles outbreak in several states. In February of this year, Dr. Bob Sears appeared on CNN to discuss the issue and stated that between 3,000 and 4,500 individuals suffer from serious reactions as a result of exposure to vaccines every year.  Dr. Sears appears to have exaggerated the numbers, but the fact remains that there are many reports of adverse reactions to vaccines every year that result in hospitalization, disability, or death.

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Monday, May 18, 2015

California Woman Receives Compensation for Child’s Vaccine Related Injuries

Is there a way to receive compensation for vaccine related injuries?

Amy Witten-Smith could tell almost immediately after her son’s vaccination that something was wrong.  His skin was red, swollen, and hot to the touch at the injection site.  A few days later, he had hives, joint swelling and a fever.  Within a few weeks, he suffered his first seizure. Even though, at eighteen months, her son had been speaking in short sentences, suddenly he reverted to not speaking at all.  After he caught a cold, he also developed a tick in his eye.  He was diagnosed with autism, Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and mitochondrial dysfunction.  The doctors treating her son advised her that he was suffering from a rare reaction to the vaccines he received for diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus.

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Missouri Man Awarded $7.4 million for Wife's Vaccine Injury

Can adults suffer from side effects from vaccinations?

In June of 2011, Jim and Carolyn Schutte were preparing for a trip to Africa.  Two days after Carolyn got the required vaccinations for Hepatitis, Tetanus, and Typhoid, she suffered permanent brain damage and lost the ability to speak.   Her condition is called Encephalopathy.  Now, instead of traveling together, all the couple can do is hold hands and watch television. 

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Vaccines and Shoulder Injuries: Is There a Connection?

Can the flu shot I received be the cause of my shoulder pain?

It is not unusual to have soreness or stiffness after a shot, but sometimes the pain does not subside. There are rare occasions when an injection leads to intense, prolonged pain, limited range of motion and other shoulder-related injuries. Known as Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) cases, these injuries are sometimes eligible for monetary awards from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Unimmunized Children Can Be Barred From New York State Public Schools

Can the state stop you from sending your child to school if he or she does not have the required vaccinations?

Vaccinations are often required in order for children to attend school. This has become a point of contention for some parents who choose to modify recommended vaccination schedules or opt not to vaccinate their children at all. Sometimes this decision is motivated by religious beliefs; in recent years, concerns about alleged links between vaccines and autism, for example, have led some parents to avoid certain childhood vaccines.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

New Type of Measles Vaccine Might Have Less Side Effects

Will changing the way a vaccine is administered change the potential side effects?

Most of us have been vaccinated as children for a variety of diseases.  Many of us had a traumatic experience when receiving a vaccine, usually driven by our fear of being stabbed by a needle.  Now, a new type of vaccine is on the rise.  One administered without the need for a needle stick.

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Federal Government Should Increase Awareness of National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

The great majority of Americans have been vaccinated at one time or another.  The purpose of vaccines are to boost immunity and to protect against disease.  Although vaccines have been proven safe, in rare instances some people may suffer adverse effects.  Although rare, vaccine injuries do occur, and when they do it is important to know that you have rights.

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Child Suffering from Seizure Disorder Entitled to Compensation

It is a great relief to parents when a child is born healthy.  Usually, it is required that the child receive certain vaccines in order to keep them healthy.  Infrequently, these vaccines can have adverse effects.

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